Wednesday, July 24, 2013

More Evidence of HCN bias.

I posted the following comment on the HCN website a few weeks ago.
The post; Forests Respond to Climate Change, was about how some tree species respond to higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations, by closing their leaf stomata.

Stomata size and density is used as a proxy for historic CO2 levels. Incidentally, Eucalyptus Globulus does not slow it's transpiration during drought.

Most eucalypts grow in localities where there is marked water shortage for substantial parts of the year. Therefore, they are adapted to seasonal drought stress associated with dry summers. Eucalypts develop an abundance of hard tissue called sclerenchyma which gives them the ability to endure severe wilting without lasting damage (Pryor 1976). They do not economize in the use of water but have wide-ranging root systems and an ability to extract water from the soil at even higher soil moisture tensions than most mesophytic plants. Transpiration rates remain high even when water supply from the soil is dwindling. It is only when severe permanent wilting occurs that there is stomatal closure which inhibits water loss (and, of course, also prevents gas exchange and photosynthesis) and enables the plant to survive a critical water balance situation for some time (Pryor 1976).

There were no published comments at the time that I left the one above. Today there is only one comment published. My above comment was censored by the moderator.

Why would the fact that Eucalyptus Globulus exacerbates drought conditions, and therefore catastrophic fire conditions, be censored on the HCN's blog?

They claim to want an honest discussion of the issue.

Are they lying when they represent themselves as objective?

The question was asked by the author;
Which species are becoming more efficient in their water use?
I offered an example of one species, Eucalyptus Globulus, that was not becoming more efficient in it's water use. But the moderator refused to publish it.

They claim to want an open and honest discussion and a democratic process. But they censor any comment that does not conform to their strictly controlled narrative.

The censoring of my comment is more evidence that the Hills Conservation Network is only interested in it's own narrow-minded agenda, and is severely lacking in credibility!

The truth is; Eucalyptus Globulus is often planted specifically to drain swampland. Not only does Eucalyptus Globulus excrete phytotoxins that inhibit germination and deplete the soil of carbon with it's calcium rich leaves, it also dries out the soil faster than native trees, outcompeting the native flora and exacerbating drought conditions.

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